  • Friday-Flash-Game Red Remover

    4 von 5 Sternen (4.49)
    Flashgame - Friday-Flash-Game Red Remover

    The red stones you have to let fall. The green must not leave the screen.

  • Friday-Flash-Game: Phage Wars

    5 von 5 Sternen (4.71)
    Flashgame - Friday-Flash-Game: Phage Wars

    Pünktlich zur Grippewelle schlüpft ihr in die Rolle eines Virus und müsst euch gegenüber anderen Krankheiten behaupten. STEUERUNG: Maus

  • Sunday Game: Gibbets

    3 von 5 Sternen (3.42)
    Flashgame - Sunday Game: Gibbets

    Slightly macabre shooter with quite noble intentions. So save as many lives as possible!

  • Sunday Flashgame: Destructo Truck

    4 von 5 Sternen (3.94)
    Flashgame - Sunday Flashgame: Destructo Truck

    Accelerate when green with the right mouse button. After that you can correct the trajectory slightly with the arrow keys. Have fun demolishing the town!

  • Friday-Flash-Game: Crush t. Castle Players Pack

    4 von 5 Sternen (4.06)
    Flashgame - Friday-Flash-Game: Crush t. Castle Players Pack

    You are allowed to catapult again. As in the first release you have to demolish medieval castles with catapults. Thx Rammstein4589

  • Friday-Flash-Game: Robokill 2

    4 von 5 Sternen (4.12)
    Flashgame - Friday-Flash-Game: Robokill 2

    In the second part of the shooter you have to banish various sorts of alien creatures from the space bases.

  • Friday-Flash-Game: Shopping City

    4 von 5 Sternen (4.06)
    Flashgame - Friday-Flash-Game: Shopping City

    Do it better than the Acandor manager and make the shopping malls of the city burning. Little Tip: a ice cream stall sometimes does miracles!

  • Friday-Flash-Game: Icebreaker

    5 von 5 Sternen (4.60)
    Flashgame - Friday-Flash-Game: Icebreaker

    Als Vikingergott wird euch die Aufgabe zu Teil, durch schneiden von Eisbblöcken und Seilen in Not geratene Vikinger auf ihr Boot zu befördern. Das Spiel kommt mit einer a...

  • Das Spiel zum Sonntag: Crush The Castle 2

    5 von 5 Sternen (4.58)
    Flashgame - Das Spiel zum Sonntag: Crush The Castle 2

    Endlich ist es soweit: Neue Burgen, neue Auszeichnungen, neue Waffen. Legt mit eurer Schleuder alle Burgen und Verteidigungsanlagen in Schutt und Asche. Thx Damarus, Seph...

  • Friday-Flash-Game Splitter 2

    4 von 5 Sternen (4.30)
    Flashgame - Friday-Flash-Game  Splitter 2

    After a couple of very intersting games dealing with physical simualations. Mostly by drawing shapes, which so become parts of the physical reality of the game level, you...

  • Friday Flashgame: BioGems

    5 von 5 Sternen (4.52)
    Flashgame - Friday Flashgame: BioGems

    Cool animations, sound, powerups and enemies make the essence of this action-packed puzzle game. Choose a character to travel through space and beat some badies on your w...

  • Fly Hard

    4 von 5 Sternen (4.44)
    Flashgame - Fly Hard

    Für alle, denen bis zum Festtagsbraten langweilig ist, hier noch ein kleines Spiel zum Zeitvertreib.


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