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Elefant malt Selbstportrait
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Elefant malt Selbstportrait

Wie krass ist das denn? Jumbo da Vinci!

Letzter Kommentar: 2011-01-20

Hello everybody! I am neuropsychologist by profession. What we see in the video is an elephant copying a draft, shown by the guy next to the drawing bord. Nothing (no BEHAVIOUR) proves the elephant actually 'understands', gives MEANING to the drawing shown to him= an elephant with a flower. If we place an elephant in front of a mirror he 'recognizes' himself. Only 10 species are known to pass the mirror test. Mirror test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia However: "Gallup's mirror test has also been criticized as logically invalid because negative results are uninterpretable. Prosopagnosiacs=people who don't recognize themselves in a mirror after a lesion, may fail the test despite having the ability to report self awareness." In the same way, the elephant could be copying all the details shown to him without knowing what he is drawing! We just don't know yet...


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