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Dr-Q`s Kommentare

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Die Freunde von der Insel mal wieder.

Letzter Kommentar: 2013-06-13

"Point of no return" von "March to the Grave"

Winter Webdesign für 15 Euro im Monat!
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Winter Webdesign für 15 Euro im Monat!

Leute ihr wisst, dass ich mich mit Werbeangeboten zurück halte. Aber alle die ei...

Letzter Kommentar: 2012-05-08

Aha.. unter Punkt 3 findet man die Internetseite von Helene Fische: "". Soso...

Donnerstags Fun PicDump #23
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Donnerstags Fun PicDump #23

Viel Spaß mit dem vorletzten vorweihnachtlichen PicDump!

Letzter Kommentar: 2011-12-15

War ja klar das du das Wort kennst!

Neuer Trend : Falling
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Neuer Trend : Falling

Nach Planking und Batmanning kommt hier der neue Trend: Falling. Thx Wasnhierlos

Letzter Kommentar: 2011-12-13

guy fawkes bei 1:28 :D

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Diese Leute haben kein Herz und keine Seele.

Letzter Kommentar: 2011-11-27

Fake: Keiner kann so Herzlos sein!

Flugzeuglandung ohne Vorderrad
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Flugzeuglandung ohne Vorderrad

Das sieht für mein Laienauge nach fliegerischer Meisterleistung aus.

Letzter Kommentar: 2011-10-30

Wolfgang pass auf...

Friday-Flash-Game: Piggy Wiggy
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Friday-Flash-Game: Piggy Wiggy

Ein Puzzle-Game im "Cut-the-Rope"-Stil. Lasst eure Schweine alle Eicheln einsam...

Letzter Kommentar: 2011-10-28
Everything is OK
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Everything is OK

Interessanter Versuch eines Gegenpols gegen das, was um uns herum passiert, was ...

Letzter Kommentar: 2011-08-14

Das kommt bei Adobe Premiere Pro heraus: "[Sprecher unbekannt] to read each don't tell you all the committee if they wanted but still it started all but sold it a try the likes of guidance with all the destruction of all it is it is so Festival Centre on the up robots the trust but still protesting what do to get the boys the province the boys the walk I did it is if the they are some of these instead of being a tech house he started the car corporate security for the people for saying words do you feel so lost touch with what you really get it which is to help this team feels like the guy is enough help for the helping people quite a following and sang when she was of rubble I would like public servant boy all the criteria which was exactly like a police uniform I would he says but still Jace so it was the lead at all the Lotus brand it is it sets out the sick haiz isn't it he said and one thank you I can't gawd moving on me the decision taken by Cecilia it is cool with that it will begin with we went it's so unfair some of the Cup it is outside the reason the results based its base white space lol I don't will you allow it still I do the body he says Nancy the fleet white added the police it's the media is telling us the ball with these years the terrorism among the features of the sessions which destroyed the offices of evidence the festival the Cobra within we should stop putting other things that happened instead of the year but it's the life of us if it ever that we want that life is infinite but then that's it with a level that means that data" Nicht wirklich hilfreich :P

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Markus Fischer stellte auf einer der TED-Konferenzen den Vogel-Roboter vor, den ...

Letzter Kommentar: 2011-08-08

Kennen sie Ted?

Donnerstag PicDump #4
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Donnerstag PicDump #4

Es ist Donnerstag! Hier findet ihr wieder eine erlesene Auswahl an kuriosen, lus...

Letzter Kommentar: 2011-08-04

Bild 12 sieht aus wie ein Teletubbi^^


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